Getting Your Leads


Anytime a page visitor completes a form submission, the form details will appear within the Leads table.

This article will explain how to review your leads in Unbounce. 

Viewing Your Lead Data

  1. On the Page Overview screen, select the Leads tab. 


    Date/Time and Variant data is collected by default, regardless of how you set up your form. IP address data is also collected by default, but not visible until you click on a lead line to view its details.

    All other columns are the data from the form fields on your page, which is totally dependent on how you set up your form. For more information about setting up forms, check out: Adding & Editing Forms

  2. Click anywhere on a lead line to view its details in the right sidebar.View_Lead_Details.png
  3. In the details screen you can also view any form integration errors:
  4. Click the down arrows to view further details on any integration errors.

Downloading Your Lead Data

You can download this data by clicking Download CSV button from the left-hand side of the Leads table. 

From the menu, you can select the date range of leads you wish to pull into your CSV.  

Additionally, from your All Pages screen, on the far right, you can download leads by date range at the client level by clicking Download Your Leads CSV.

Receiving Your Lead Data via Email

Under Native Integrations you'll see "Email Me New Leads". Click and you can enter an email address (or addresses) where we'll send new lead information.  You can also change the subject of the email from here. Once activated, you'll receive an email for each new lead, broken down into Form Submission Details and Form Fields on Your Page.

If you're looking for our Integrations, the Integrations section of our documentation will be your best bet.

Check out our resources on Integrations

Call Tracking Integrations and the Unbounce Leads Table

If you have a call tracking integration or script installed on your landing page, such as CallRail, do note that you will need to check your CallRail account for more information about that lead. 

The Leads table in Unbounce will only show if a customer clicked a click-to-call button (if the correct script is installed, but will not track if the call was completed.

You can find this information, and more within CallRail directly. 


Form Submission details: includes date and time of submission, IP address, and which variant the user submitted from

Generate CSV of Leads: to download your leads data, which can be filtered by date range, from your Page Overview

Download leads by date range: to download your leads data at the client level from your All Pages screen

Email Me New Leads: where you can enter an email address to where new lead information will be sent

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Adding and Editing Form Fields

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