What Happens When I Cancel My Subscription?


Whether you're coming off the heels of a hot campaign and need to take a breather, or want to take some time off your subscription, you can quickly put your subscription on hold until you're ready to come back! In other words, cancel your subscription. 

This article will explain what happens when you cancel your Unbounce subscription. For the exact steps on canceling your account, please refer to our documentation: How Do I Cancel My Subscription?

Pro Tip:

Downgrading to a lower-paid plan: Would you like to adjust your subscription type instead? Check out our article on changing your subscription type and/or length

Canceling your subscription will automatically downgrade you to a free plan - this will also update the features & functionality of your Unbounce account.

The following allocations will apply to your account once canceled:

Published Pages

Published Popups and Sticky Bars

Custom Domains








Changes with Existing Plan Features After Canceling

Do note that the content of your landing pages or popups/sticky bars will remain in your account; you'll still have access to edit the pages that you've built before downgrading.

You will notice the following changes to your account once you downgrade:


What Happens When I Cancel?

Published Pages

Will be unpublished and moved from any custom domain to the unbouncepages.com domain.

Published Popups and Sticky Bars

They will be unpublished.

Custom Domains

Any existing custom domain(s) will be deleted. The only allocated domain will be unbouncepages.com.


Any user other than the Account Owner will be disassociated from and will lose access to the account.


All clients other than the Default Client will be archived and cannot be accessed.

Page Redirects

Any redirects you've set up will be removed (redirects are only available on paid subscription plans). 

Access to Smart Builder

Downgraded/free accounts lose access to Smart Builder once downgrading. 


Regarding content, all Landing Pages, Popups, Sticky Bars will remain in the account. 

Coming Back to Unbounce after Canceling

Reactivating a Subscription

When you're ready to build your next campaign in Unbounce, you can upgrade your subscription, so you're no longer constrained by the limitations outlined above.


When reactivating a subscription, you will be required to sign up for our current plans. Legacy Plans (such as Launch, Accelerate, Essential, Premium, etc.) cannot be reactivated with a new subscription. 

Please note that Unbounce may delete your account and all data, info, & content associated with the account after 90 days post-account cancellation if you have not upgraded to a paid plan as described in our privacy policy.

Any data from a deleted account is irretrievable.

As a precaution, you can download your pages as .unbounce files to save them for a later date, if you or your teams decide to reactivate in the far future. 

Re-adding Domains

You can re-add deleted domains to the same client they once were added to. To re-add the deleted domain on another account or client, you'll first need to reach out to our lovely support team. We'll provide email instructions to verify ownership of that domain, then release the domain to the new account/client.

Retrieving Users & Clients

Any users removed when downgrading will need to be manually re-added back to the account after upgrading back to a paid plan. 

Any archived clients will remain inaccessible after upgrading to a paid plan, but you can retrieve them by contacting support after you've reactivated your subscription.