Adding Google Reviews to your Landing Page


Google reviews are a great way to promote brand awareness while building customer trust.

By adding a Google reviews section to your landing page, your page visitors can learn more about your business and service from other customers or clients of yours without having to leave the landing page.  

This article will explain how to add a live Google reviews section to your landing page. 

What You'll Need


Please review the following dependencies in this section. This App requires custom API permissions within the Google Cloud Platform, and a paid subscription with the Google Cloud Platform.

Setting these permissions can be a bit complex, so we recommend working with an IT member, developer, or Google's support team if you require any help enabling this custom API key.

To help you get started, here's what you'll need: 

  1. A Google Cloud Platform account with a paid subscription.  
    • You must be on a paid subscription plan with the Google Cloud Platform for this Unbounce App to function correctly - a free plan will not work. To add billing details to your account, visit the Google Cloud Platform.  
  2. A Google Maps Platform API Key. 
    • If you already have an API Key set up, you can locate this within the Credentials page within the Google Cloud Platform. 
  3. Enable the Places API in the Google Cloud Console.

Adding the Google Reviews App to Smart Builder

  1. Navigate to the Apps tab on the left-hand side of Smart Builder.
  2. Search and locate the Google Reviews App.
  3. Click the plus button next to Google Reviews to install the app.
  4. The Google Reviews app will appear in the Add tab in Smart Builder.

You can now drag and drop the Google Reviews app anywhere on your page. To learn more about drag and drop, see this article: Using Drag and Drop in Smart Builder.  

Customizing the Google Reviews Section 

  1. Drag and drop the Google Reviews app into a section in Smart Builder. 
  2. Click Set Up Google Reviews. The Settings will appear:
    Google Reviews placeholder on landing page.
  3. Paste in your API key, and click Select Location:
    Type Google Reviews API key.
  4. From the window that appears, type in the address/location for your business or establishment:
    Type Google Reviews address.
  5. Click Confirm button. The reviews will appear in Smart Builder:
    Live Google reviews appearing in Smart Builder.


Not seeing the reviews? Be sure you have the proper API restrictions set up for both the Maps JavaScript API and Places API, and that you have billing set up in your Google Cloud Platform account. 

Removing Reviews

With this app, you can remove reviews that you don't want to appear on your page. 

  1. Single-click the section, and click the gear icon to launch the Settings
  2. From the dropdown menu, select which review you'd like to remove (e.g., if you'd like to remove the third review, select 3rd review):
    A drop-down menu with options to remove reviews.
  3. The review will no longer appear on the page. 

You're all set! Save and Publish your landing page when you're happy with the changes.