If you’d like to track purchases made in your Shopify store as conversions in Unbounce, this is the doc for you!
This doc will explain how to use Unbounce’s External Conversion Tracking script to track purchases as conversions in Unbounce.
What You'll Need:
- A Shopify account with an active subscription,
- Access to Admin Settings in Shopify (Staff or Store Owner permissions who have access to updating your online store), and
- An Unbounce landing page with the same root domain as your Shopify domain.
- Your Unbounce page(s) and your Order Confirmation page on Shopify must share the same root domain. Here's how to add a domain in Shopify:
Setting up External Conversion Tracking in Shopify
- Log in to your Shopify account.
- Navigate to the Settings page.
- From your Settings page, navigate to the Checkout and accounts tab.
- Scroll down the Checkout page, till you reach the Order status page subheading. Locate the Additional Script box.
- Paste in the following External Conversion Tracking script:
- Click the Save button in Shopify.
You’re all set! Once users land on the Confirmation/Order Status page in Shopify, Unbounce will track the conversion.
External conversion tracking functionality in Unbounce & Shopify (how it works)
This script will look for the presence of a specific conversion tracking cookie.
Once the Order Status page (i.e., your checkout confirmation page) from Shopify loads, the tracking beacon will make a request back to Unbounce’s servers. The result is that the conversion count in the corresponding Page Overview will increment by 1.
Check out our documentation for more information on External Conversion Tracking.
For example, if your Unbounce landing page URL is my.landingpage.io, then your Shopify confirmation page must exist on the same root domain, such as www.landingpage.io. The root domains for the Shopify Order Confirmation page and the Unbounce page must match in order for this external conversion tracking script to work.