How Do I Reset My Page Variant Stats?


Made some changes to your landing page variants, and want to reset your stats so you can conduct a new test?

You can reset the stats for all your page variants by following the steps below:


Resetting your stats is permanent; once they've been reset, there isn't a way to revert back to the previous stats. As such, we recommend keeping a record of your visitors, views, & conversions prior to resetting these stats.

  1. Navigate to the Page Overview for the landing page that you’d like to reset stats for.
  2. Click the Reset Stats button.
  3. A new dialog box will appear asking you to confirm that you’d like to reset your stats to zero. Click the OK button.

Once the application has completed the process, you’ll see a green bar at the top of your screen that states: You successfully reset the stats or this page and its variants.