Adding ShareThis share buttons will give your visitors a number of customizable ways to spread the landing page love and is pretty easy to set up. To set this up, you will need first
- Creating your ShareThis buttons.
- Add the ShareThis Javascript to your Unbounce page, and
- Embed the custom HTML components for either share buttons or follow buttons on your page.
Creating your ShareThis buttons
Follow the steps within ShareThis' documentation to create your custom buttons and how to install the buttons. If you have any questions about setting this up, or require more detailed steps and customization of your ShareThis buttons, do reach out to their support team!
Install the ShareThis Embed Code to Your Unbounce Page
- Copy the embed code/script provided by the ShareThis app.
- Log in to your Unbounce account and locate the builder of the page you would like to add your ShareThis widget.
- Click the Javascripts
button in the bottom left of the builder. A new dialog box will appear.
- In the new Manage Scripts Dialog box, fill out the following information:
- In the Script Name field, type ShareThis Buttons”
- In the Placement drop-down menu, select Head.
- Paste the script from your ShareThis account into the blank field.
- Click the Save Code button at the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog box.
Add the Share/Follow Buttons to Your Landing Page
ShareThis gives you a number of different styles of Share and Follow Buttons that you can add to your landing page.
- Follow the instructions on the ShareThis website to pick which social media platforms you’d like to add to your Share/Follow Buttons and arrange them in the order and alignment settings that you’d like.
If you’re using Follow Buttons, make sure that you fill out your account information in the ShareThis platform at the bottom of the Inline Follow Buttons page for any accounts that you’re adding to the widget. - Copy the HTML code provided by the ShareThis page.
- Navigate back to the Unbounce Builder.
- Drag and drop the Custom HTML
button from the left side of the editor to the place on your page where you would like to add the ShareThis Buttons. A new dialog box will appear.
- Paste in the ShareThis code to the Embed Custom HTML Code dialog box.
- Click the Save Code button at the bottom right-hand corner of the dialog box.
- Save and Publish/Republish your page.
You’re ready to take the social media world by storm! The Finished Product:
If you’d like to include both the Share and Follow buttons as above, you’ll need to embed a separate Custom HTML component for each widget, though the javascript only needs to be included once.