This feature is available for Concierge plans only.
Have you ever found yourself wondering when a certain landing page/Popup was published or deleted in your account, and who did it? You won't need Sherlock Holmes to crack this case: Audit Logs has got your back.
The Audit Logs feature is a detailed activity feed that keeps track of the following user actions (including when they happened, which user performed them, and on which client they were applied):
- Creating, Modifying, Renaming, Saving, Publishing, Unpublishing, Deleting, or Copying a Page/Popup.
- Sending, Accepting, or Declining a User Invite.
Follow these steps to view, customize, and export your audit logs:
- Click your name/profile picture on the top right of the Unbounce Builder and select Account Management from the drop-down menu. A new page will appear.
- Select Audit Log from the Account options on the left-hand side of the page. A new page will appear.
- Check out your Audit Log: User actions will appear chronologically in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) by default.
- You can click the Start Date/End Date boxes to only display user actions that fall within a certain a date range.
- You can select a client from the "Filter By:" drop-down menu to only display user actions applied to a certain client.
- Click the "Export .csv" button to export your audit logs to a .csv file, displayed with your selected date range and client filter, if applicable.
- You're done!
The audit log search will return a maximum of 500 logs regardless of Date/Time chosen.