How do I Copy Pages and Popups Between Clients?


Copying Pages Between Clients

Want to copy your landing page between different clients in your account? No problem!

What You'll Need:

  • Author/Administrator/Owner access on both clients.
    • You can quickly verify your access level by going to your All Pages screen and clicking the ellipsis ... button to the right of any page listed. A drop-down menu will appear.
    • If Edit Champion Variant is listed as an option, you have Author, Administrator, or Owner access and will have no problem copying pages between clients.


There is a workaround available if you do not have the proper access authorization on both clients.  Download your landing page and upload the .unbounce file back to your new Unbounce client. 

Copying Pages and Popups Between Clients with Author/Administrator/Owner Access 

  1. Navigate to the All Pages screen. Select the check box beside any pages that you'd like to transfer to the new client. 
  2. Click on the Action drop-down menu and select Copy Pages to a Client... A new dialog box will appear. copy-pages-between-clients.png
  3. Select the client that you're transferring the new pages to, and select the domain where you'd like to host your pages. copy-pages-dialog-box.png

That's it!

In a few moments, you'll see a copy of the original page appear in the new client's page list.


The new copy will not include the stats and leads from the original page and will be unpublished.

Copying Popups Between Clients

Want to copy your Popup between different clients in your account? We've got you covered!

What You'll Need:

  • Author/Administrator/Owner access on both clients. 
    • You can quickly verify your access level by going to your All Pages screen and clicking the ellipsis ... button to the right of any page listed. A drop-down menu will appear.
    • If Edit Design is listed as an option, you have Author, Administrator, or Owner access and will have no problem copying pages between clients.


If you don't have Author/Administrator/Owner access on both clients, you'll need to ask someone with the required access within both clients to follow the steps outlined in our Modifying a User documentation to upgrade your user status. 


  1. Navigate to the Popups and Stickybars page. Click on the cog addclientcog.png beside the page that you'd like to copy. A new drop-down menu will appear. 
  2. Select Copy to a Client from the drop-down menu. A new dialog box will appear.copy-popups.png
  3. In the Copy to Client dialog box, choose the client that you're transferring your popup/sticky bar to, and then click the Copy button in the bottom right corner of the dialog box. 

That's it!

In a few moments, you'll see a copy of the original Popup appear in the new client's Popup list.


After copying, your newly copied Popup or Sticky Bar will:

  • Be unpublished.
  • Have a new embed code.
  • Not copy the original's stats and leads.
  • Have a new label in Google Analytics.