Unbounce now allows you to easily integrate with Campaign Monitor, giving you access to another amazing tool in our growing list of third party integrations.
Integrating Campaign Monitor with your Unbounce landing page is simple; follow the steps below and you will have your campaign up and running in no time!
What you will need
- An Unbounce landing page with a form that has an email field
- A valid Campaign Monitor API key, which you can obtain by logging in to your Campaign Monitor account and looking at your account settings. For more information please read this Campaign Monitor help article
Pro Tip:
You can use these setup steps to integrate your popups and sticky bars with Campaign Monitor. See Setting up Integrations With Popups and Sticky Bars to learn more.Setting up a Campaign Monitor Integration
- Log in to Unbounce.
- Navigate to the Page Overview screen for any page with a form you wish to integrate with Campaign Monitor.
- Click on the Integrations tab, and then click on Campaign Monitor.
- Enter your Campaign Monitor API key and click Authenticate with Campaign Monitor.
- Select the list you'd like your leads sent to and click "Continue".
- To capture custom fields, click "Configure Field Mapping" and click "Done".
- Your page should now be successfully integrated with Campaign Monitor! When you return to the 3rd Party Integrations section on the Page Overview screen, Campaign Monitor will display a blue checkmark, indicating that new leads will be forwarded to Campaign Monitor.
That's it, you're all set!