Understanding Website Call Conversions
Google website call conversions provide a way for you to measure phone calls to your business that happen as a result of an ad click. When you use this feature, Google dynamically inserts a Google forwarding number on your website so that call information about incoming calls to your business (such as location and duration) can be tracked. Your business will receive phone calls as usual, without interruption to caller ID.
Google Ads Call Tracking or Call Tracking Metrics does not currently work within an iframe. Call tracking is not currently supported in popups, sticky bars, or lightboxes.Google Ads Call Tracking no longer relies on the use of custom script and can be set up completely by implementing tools provided by Google Tag Manager and Google Ads. This will require you to make changes to your GTM, Google Ads, and Unbounce accounts. Follow the instructions below to add Call Conversion Tracking to your landing pages.
Step 1: Create a new GTM Container
Step 2: Add your GTM container to Script Manager in Unbounce
Step 3: Create your Conversion Action in Google Ads
Step 4: Create a Conversion Linker Trigger in GTM
Step 5: Create a Google Forwarding Number Trigger in GTM
Step 1: Create a new GTM Container
- Follow Google’s instructions on how to create a Google Tag Manager container.
- Copy your container ID as you’ll need this number for Step 2. Also, go ahead and leave this tab/window open, as you’ll need it further along this process.
Step 2: Add your GTM container to Script Manager in Unbounce
- Open a new tab or window and navigate to your Unbounce account.
- Follow our instructions on how to add this new GTM container to Script Manager.
Step 3: Create your Conversion Action in Google Ads
- Open a new tab or window and navigate to your Google Ads account.
- Select the campaign that you’d like to track, and click tools and settings in the top right corner.
- Follow Google’s instructions on how to make a conversion action set.
- For conversion type, select Phone Calls.
- For source, select Calls to a phone number on your website.
- Click Continue.
- Enter a Conversion Name in your top left corner (we recommend Google Calls). Fill out the fields with the values indicated below:
- Value: Don’t use a value for this conversion action
- Count: 1
- Call Length: 0
- Conversion Window: 60 days
- Include in Conversions: Yes
- Attribution Model: Position based
- Click Create and continue.
- Select Google Tag Manager for the Tag Setup menu.
- You’ll need the Conversion Label and Conversion ID from this page so keep this window open for later use.
Step 4: Create a Conversion Linker Trigger in GTM
- Return to your Google Tag Manager tab/window.
- Follow Google’s Instructions for creating a new trigger.
- Name your new trigger (we recommend using Conversion Linker).
- In the Tag Configuration screen, select Conversion Linker tag type.
- In the Triggering screen, select All Pages as the firing trigger.
- Save your new tag.
Step 5: Create a Google Forwarding Number Trigger in GTM
Last step and you’ll have completed setting up your call conversion tracker!
- Follow Google’s Instructions one more time for creating a new trigger.
- Name your new trigger (we recommend using Google Forwarding Number).
- In the Tag Configuration screen, select Google Ad Calls from Website Conversion tag type.
- In the Displayed Phone Number to Replace field, type in the phone number from the landing page that you’d like to track.
- Place the values from the Conversion Action set that you created in Google Ads into the Conversion ID and Conversion Label fields.
- In the Triggering screen, select All Pages as the firing trigger.
- Save your new tag.
- Click the Submit button in the top right corner.
- Click Publish.
You’ve now set up call conversion tracking on your landing page using only Google Ads and Google Tag Manager!